Ready to Serve You

Your church or Christian organization needs excellent writing to accomplish the goals and fulfill the mandate of its mission. This sample list is incomplete if your project is not listed. Just let me know what you need; I’ll find a way to put it into words.

     ♦  Monthly emails ♦  Monthly newsletters
     ♦  Social media posts ♦  Blog posts
     ♦  Research grants ♦  Reports
     ♦  PowerPoint slides ♦  Articles

Copy Editing

If you’ve written it, you need a second pair of eyes to find what spell check missed. In addition to checking the spelling and grammar I will evaluate the flow, consistency, voice, sentence structure and style. I will suggest improvements to the text without altering the main thrust of the content. I will provide a review copy with the changes tracked and a clean copy for easy reading.


If you need facts for your presentation, your report, your grant or just for your enlightenment, I can find them. I will find book and journal references to validate your points. Let me spend time on the internet finding what you need.

Creative Writing

When it’s time for you to write that book you’ve envisioned I can help you make it a reality. I will collaborate at your desired level and pace. From outline to galley proofs your ideas can become a source of enlightenment and encouragement to others.

Targeted Bible study curriculum for your group is my specialty. I can write Bible book studies or topical studies to meet your needs.