I specialize in the Bible – And so do you.

If you’re a pastor, a church education director, a community group leader, or a committed Christian seeking God’s direction to lead the people in your life, you know how essential the Bible is to your success. It has inspired you, directed you, corrected you and given you immense comfort.

The challenge we face as Christian leaders is to help others find what we’ve found. That’s where I can help. With a degree in Christian Education and over 40 years of experience in ministry I have developed resources that can make your challenge a bit easier

The people who are counting on you are hungry for God’s word. This is what is gnawing inside them. They may not know it yet, but you know that’s what it is.

  • How are you going to help them identify their need for God and His word?
  • How are you going to feed them?
  • How are you going to help them grow and mature?

As with the development of a child into an adult, different resources are needed at different stages of discipleship. Seekers and new believers have different appetites than seasoned saints. As a Christian leader you have a challenge to deliver just the right resources at just the right time. Make your way to my resources page. You’ll find something for every level of learning. Some of my materials are free and the rest are reasonably priced.

And if you need other writing projects completed in a timely manner with custom precision, don’t hesitate to contact me. My samples page can help you think about your options.